My wife is a runner. I am a walker.
This morning is another morning that I am reminded that my wife is the runner in the family. She has never before been an athlete and only running for about a year now. Earlier in 2011, she took 4th place in her age group in a 5k running race after only about 6 months experience. She has now ran through the winter, spring and summer, and is coming full circle now back into the fall. In Colorado, she has been averaging near 10 minute miles at our higher elevation. On her trip to California this summer, she continued her running, and averaged nearer to 8 minute miles. And by the way, I am super proud of my wife.
I on the other hand have been an athlete pretty much all of my life. I have won many wrestling championships at both state and national level, having started when I was 5 years old. Running was a necessary consequence of making weight and having the cardio needed to last 3 rounds with tough competition. A few years ago, I was starting to enjoy running in a different way. It was becoming a variety in which I could work out differently. I had been riding a road bike and lifting weights, and working my P90x routine. Running gave me an opportunity to balance those with something I could do in 30 - 45 minutes, get outdoors and get a good work out in.
Then came the injury.
I hurt my ankle running. And now every time I start running it swells up and becomes painful with any weight bearing activity like running. I have had an MRI, x-rays, and ultrasounds. I have seen 3 specialists, and sports doctors. I have spent more money in medical co-payments than I care to recall. No one has been able to figure out what it is. And each of them have suggested I stop running and do other activities. I remember telling the last specialist I could have come in with a sealed envelope that he could have opened saying he wouldn't know what my injury was. I was right, he got mad. But I dutifully wrote him a check anyway and left the office bitter.
So I walk.
While I walk, I wish I could run. But I can't. I occasionally try and test it out and end up having to limp back home, literally. Instead, I must swallow my pride and do what exercise I am able. My most recent walks I go at a fast pace and try not to let those slow joggers pass me. Not long ago I took my walking to the mountains and walked a few miles up a mountain in the Rocky Mountain National Park past Alberta Falls and up to Mills Lake. I picked up some snowshoes and trekking poles this summer to carry my walking into the winter this year. If I am going to walk, I am going to make it as interesting as I can.
I haven't given up yet on getting my ankle repaired enough so I can enjoy running once again. But in the meantime, I do not prefer to think of myself as a walker. I prefer to call myself a hiker, it just sounds better.
Hike on walker dude!
ReplyDeleteOf course, this morning I decided to take out my trekking poles to see if it would lessen the weight bearing and I could run a little. Didn't work. And I passed a co-worker going the opposite direction. lol.